Oculus Touch

Trent Myers

February 13, 2018

## Overview * Hand presence technology for use with Oculus Rift. * Launched on December 6, 2016 for $199 with sensor. * On July 14, 2017 Oculus began to include Touch with the $400 Rift bundle. * Ment to directly compete with VIVE Controller.
## How does it work? The Touch Controllers are fitted with a series infrared LEDs. IR cameras are used to capture these LEDs and determine the position of the controllers. ![LEDs](images/controllerleds.gif)

Sensor Setup Screen

## Gestures Thanks to the buttons on the Touch Controllers being capacitive advanced gesture controll is possible. ![Gestures](images/gesture.gif)
## Uses Thanks to the prevalence of the Oculus Rift Platform and powerful Oculus OVRInput API, Touch brings meaningful interaction to a huge number of applications including: * NVIDIA HOLODECK * Engage Education Platform * Soundstage VR * Calcflow * Applications made with A-frame

Why is it a good use of VR?

It's Intuative and Imersive Expression

It also makes interations in social VR more natural!

## Weaknesses * Requires 3 cameras for 360 tracking. * Bottom three fingers move together. * Only tracks hands. * Still too expensive to be completely mainstream.


I have been using the Oculus Touch Controllers for about 6 months and they have not added any discomfort to my VR expierence.

Rating: 0/10
## Similar Devices * HTC VIVE Controllers * PSVR Move Controllers * Windows Mixed Reality Controllers * And Valve's response... The Knuckles Controller ![knuckles](images/knuckles.gif)
## Conclusion Oculus Touch is the current standard for VR hand presence technology. The advances it has made will only continue to be built upon to further our interactions with the virtual world.
## References * https://www.oculus.com/blog/oculus-touch-launches-today/ * https://www.vrfocus.com/2015/06/palmer-luckey-explains-oculus-rifts-constellation-tracking-and-fabric/ * https://developer.oculus.com/documentation/unity/latest/concepts/unity-ovrinput/ * https://trentm95.github.io/CS4331-VR/Student'sChoice/
## Questions?